OK, Ladies, I've discovered the secret to getting the pounds to just FALL off!!! Bear with me as I tell the story...
As you all know, the economy is currently in the toilet. We are self-employed, and our industry relies heavily on the success of the Real Estate Market...which you also know is currently in the toilet. Long story short, I have started helping my sister with her house cleaning business. There is never a shortage of work, and she often has to turn people down because she just can't clean ALL of those houses!
I started out helping her one or two days per week during the month of April. When May arrived, people began to request cleanings for their summer cottages. As a result, I found myself helping her three days per week for the entire month. The days that I clean with her begin very early in the morning....I leave home at 5:45 a.m........and end well into the evening. There is no sitting in front of a computer for eight hours. We are in constant motion trying to get the houses cleaned as efficiently as possible. Most days I eat breakfast, pack a sandwich for lunch, and eat a little supper before I fall into bed exhausted. I began to notice that my clothes were starting to fit a bit better. Slowly, but surely, I had a bit more wiggle room.
I was curious to see if I had lost any weight, so last week I hopped onto the scales at one of our regular houses and was DELIGHTED to see that I have lost a total of TEN POUNDS!!! WOOT!
This past weekend I switched out my summer and winter clothes. When I got to the bottom of the summer clothes, I saw a few things that were impossible to squeeze into last summer. A few of them actually fit! There are still some that represent my weight loss before I turned 40......I'd like to get into those comfortably before the end of the summer. I hope the cleaning market doesn't begin to suffer from this economy!!!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Did You Hear....
That giant thud?
Yes, that was me falling off the diet wagon.
But today, I am picking myself up and dusting myself off and climbing back aboard.
Yes, that was me falling off the diet wagon.
But today, I am picking myself up and dusting myself off and climbing back aboard.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Another Try
Most of you know I have been have some major thyroid issues for the last year and a half. It came on all of a sudden along with twenty pounds. Good bye size eight. Hello size ten and a pitiful attempt to diet . Exercise not so much. But I do a lot of walking. Things are going good, I loose a few pounds.
And then three or four months ago the clothes get tighter, I eat less, walk more , I feel like crap, tired as hell, go back to the doctor , the thyroid has gone hair wire again and I have put on another 15 pounds. Now I am almost at the weight I was when Little T was born except this time there is no baby to show for the weight gain. Good bye size ten and hello size twelve! I was a 165 pounds as of April 13th! Don't even ask if I was depressed.
So I get a higher dose of thyroid, I began to feel less tired. I am still watching what I eat. I begin to walk more. Up to three miles a day. I get the Sketcher Shape Up shoes and I love them! I could almost sleep in them they feel so good! I also love what these shoes do for your posture. They make you walk with your shoulders back and you can feel that in your core.
And then three or four months ago the clothes get tighter, I eat less, walk more , I feel like crap, tired as hell, go back to the doctor , the thyroid has gone hair wire again and I have put on another 15 pounds. Now I am almost at the weight I was when Little T was born except this time there is no baby to show for the weight gain. Good bye size ten and hello size twelve! I was a 165 pounds as of April 13th! Don't even ask if I was depressed.
So I get a higher dose of thyroid, I began to feel less tired. I am still watching what I eat. I begin to walk more. Up to three miles a day. I get the Sketcher Shape Up shoes and I love them! I could almost sleep in them they feel so good! I also love what these shoes do for your posture. They make you walk with your shoulders back and you can feel that in your core.
So this morning I hop on the scales and weigh in at 159 pounds! Yep~ I'm back on a roll!
Why does getting older have to suck?Thursday, April 29, 2010
Alli Update - Week 2
Total Pounds Lost: 2.5!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!
I don't know if Alli should get the credit for the weight lost. The credit should probably go to the leaving of Aunt Flo. Water weight, ugh! But whatever the reason, I'll take it.
There has been no sharting!! Yippee!! One huge thing that Alli does - it causes you to think twice about what you put in your mouth. I have deemed it the 'Shart Factor'. When faced with that possibility, that deep fried cheese stick isn't quite so appealing.
I also signed up (again!) for Weight Watchers Online. Having to enter everything you eat on that website makes you think twice about what you are eating as well. Especially when you watch those points count down and you think My God, I still want to eat supper tonight!!
It has been cold and rainy so my exercise has consisted of inside stuff. I played several rousing sets of Wii Tennis with Pita (Btw, she can kick my ass!). I also dvr'd a couple of exercise shows on Fit TV so I worked out with Gilad:)
So get up. Get out there. We can do this!
I don't know if Alli should get the credit for the weight lost. The credit should probably go to the leaving of Aunt Flo. Water weight, ugh! But whatever the reason, I'll take it.
There has been no sharting!! Yippee!! One huge thing that Alli does - it causes you to think twice about what you put in your mouth. I have deemed it the 'Shart Factor'. When faced with that possibility, that deep fried cheese stick isn't quite so appealing.
I also signed up (again!) for Weight Watchers Online. Having to enter everything you eat on that website makes you think twice about what you are eating as well. Especially when you watch those points count down and you think My God, I still want to eat supper tonight!!
It has been cold and rainy so my exercise has consisted of inside stuff. I played several rousing sets of Wii Tennis with Pita (Btw, she can kick my ass!). I also dvr'd a couple of exercise shows on Fit TV so I worked out with Gilad:)
So get up. Get out there. We can do this!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Alli Update (Alternate Title: Too Much Information)
Well, here I am - one week into the Alli program. So for all you interested parties, this is the down and dirty. For all you uninterested parties, what the hell is wrong with you? Kidding! But if potty talk gets you down, then click away now!
- Pounds lost: .5 (Damn, Aunt Flo, for bringing on some lovely water weight!!)
- Sharting: 1 (My own fault - went to the Pizza Hut buffet. Thankfully, I was at home!)
- You are supposed to take Alli three times per day, with each meal. I have a tendency to forget the third one. That might make some difference in how much weight I lost.
- I have not experienced any stomach upset. You definitely know the fat is not being absorbed by your body. The whole oil and water not mixing thing is very evident in the toilet. Plus mine has been BRIGHT orange!
- My fat discharge is not immediately following the meal. It is the next day.
- After the whole Pizza Hut Incident, I started wearing a pantyliner. Just in case. Thus far, hasn't been needed. But it makes me feel better knowing I have some protection.
- A BRIGHT orange shart stains.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I went shopping yesterday. Had too. Could not fit my behind into any of my shorts from last summer. Do you know how disheartening that is?
So today, I am serious. I know, I know. I have said it all before. But I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Besides we just got jetskis and I really need to be a whole lot cuter out on the lake this summer.
So here is the plan. I am exercising. I rode my bike this morning. I am trying to get a gang together to walk in the evenings. I am even getting Vol Fan on board. I challenged him to try to do a half-marathon next summer!
I had a major purchasing event at Sams Club yesterday. Lots of stuff for salads. Things to grill. Oodles of fruit. Huge box of Skinny Cow :) A girl needs her sweets especially when she is dieting or she runs the risk of completely derailing!
I also purchased a starter pack of Alli, the weight loss supplement. The claim is that for every pound you lose, Alli will cause you to lose another 1/2 pound. I will take all the help I can get.
It is supposed to keep your body from absorbing fat, passing it out via your digestive track. Which, according to the label, can cause some digestive distress (ie - VERY loose stools) if you overdo on fats at mealtime. Just that knowledge will make me think twice about fried foods, etc.
I will be the guinea pig. And I will let you know how things go!
But I need your help, fellow losers. I need people to hound me. Harrass me at every turn. Daily. So please, please, please crack your whips!
So today, I am serious. I know, I know. I have said it all before. But I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Besides we just got jetskis and I really need to be a whole lot cuter out on the lake this summer.
So here is the plan. I am exercising. I rode my bike this morning. I am trying to get a gang together to walk in the evenings. I am even getting Vol Fan on board. I challenged him to try to do a half-marathon next summer!
I had a major purchasing event at Sams Club yesterday. Lots of stuff for salads. Things to grill. Oodles of fruit. Huge box of Skinny Cow :) A girl needs her sweets especially when she is dieting or she runs the risk of completely derailing!
I also purchased a starter pack of Alli, the weight loss supplement. The claim is that for every pound you lose, Alli will cause you to lose another 1/2 pound. I will take all the help I can get.
It is supposed to keep your body from absorbing fat, passing it out via your digestive track. Which, according to the label, can cause some digestive distress (ie - VERY loose stools) if you overdo on fats at mealtime. Just that knowledge will make me think twice about fried foods, etc.
I will be the guinea pig. And I will let you know how things go!
But I need your help, fellow losers. I need people to hound me. Harrass me at every turn. Daily. So please, please, please crack your whips!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Today is D-Day.
I have got to do something. If I don't, I will die. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But I am hastening that day.
I am tired of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I am tired of feeling sluggish. I am tired of feeling self-conscious. I am tired of feeling limited. I am tired of feeling tired.
So today is D-Day.
So I am making these resolutions:
1. I will use a smaller plate.
2. I will chew more.
3. I will not clean my plate.
4. I will use chopsticks. Well, maybe not - but I will make a conscious effort to slow down.
5. I will drink water.
Plus I will exercise. And I will do my ankle exercises twice daily.
Who will be my task master?
I have got to do something. If I don't, I will die. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But I am hastening that day.
I am tired of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I am tired of feeling sluggish. I am tired of feeling self-conscious. I am tired of feeling limited. I am tired of feeling tired.
So today is D-Day.
So I am making these resolutions:
1. I will use a smaller plate.
2. I will chew more.
3. I will not clean my plate.
4. I will use chopsticks. Well, maybe not - but I will make a conscious effort to slow down.
5. I will drink water.
Plus I will exercise. And I will do my ankle exercises twice daily.
Who will be my task master?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Epic Fail!
Well, we all know what they say about good intentions..... I have failed miserably with my New Year's resolution to get back into shape. I could blame it on the copious quantities of snow, or the cold or the darkness. Shoot! I could find a hundred ways to rationalize my inactivity, but I won't. I've been lazy. End of story!
After struggling to zip the last pants I bought (because everything else was too tight) I had an epiphany. If I don't DO something, it's only going to get worse. At that point, I set my sights on March. Despite the dread I felt, I hauled my large arse to the gym after work Monday. I also hauled it to the gym on Tuesday. One day at a time.....
The gym scales confirmed my fears, and I am at the highest non-pregnancy weight I have ever been. Perhaps this was the kick in the pants I needed. Numerical PROOF.
I'm not limiting myself to the South Beach diet just yet, but I am packing my lunch, and eating smaller portions at dinner. I'm also forcing myself to drink an entire bottle of water each day BEFORE I allow myself to drink my Diet Mt. Dew. I can't believe how much you have to pee when you drink so much water!!!! That's a GOOD thing, right??!!
How is everyone else doing? Let's get this site rolling again......spring is on the way:)
After struggling to zip the last pants I bought (because everything else was too tight) I had an epiphany. If I don't DO something, it's only going to get worse. At that point, I set my sights on March. Despite the dread I felt, I hauled my large arse to the gym after work Monday. I also hauled it to the gym on Tuesday. One day at a time.....
The gym scales confirmed my fears, and I am at the highest non-pregnancy weight I have ever been. Perhaps this was the kick in the pants I needed. Numerical PROOF.
I'm not limiting myself to the South Beach diet just yet, but I am packing my lunch, and eating smaller portions at dinner. I'm also forcing myself to drink an entire bottle of water each day BEFORE I allow myself to drink my Diet Mt. Dew. I can't believe how much you have to pee when you drink so much water!!!! That's a GOOD thing, right??!!
How is everyone else doing? Let's get this site rolling again......spring is on the way:)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
First Before and After
I know I have been a total slacker when it comes to both this blog, as well as my own...but this blog is constantly in my thoughts and I hope for you all that you CAN make it down any path you choose...making changes for the better and learning that it's okay to be successful and fulfilled. I am on an amazing journey...ne'; transformation and I am enjoying it more and more each day.

What? I couldn't be happier. And if you happen to see Phil...tell him he can kiss my much thinner ass! ~
Before September 28, 2009

After January 3, 2009

Before March 2008

After January 3, 2009

What? I couldn't be happier. And if you happen to see Phil...tell him he can kiss my much thinner ass! ~
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year, New Decade, New Figure
Happy New Year!!
A new year and a new decade have silently crept up on me, as have about 20 too many pounds! Over the holidays, I have overindulged and have not been exercising. It shows. I even had to go and buy a size bigger pants yesterday just to have something to wear. THAT is discouraging.
My plan is to start fresh on Monday. The plan includes getting back on the South Beach diet and hitting the gym regularly again. 2010 is all about ME!!! I'd like to lose a pound per week - that would get me in bathing suit shape (somewhat) in time for summer.
What are your goals for 2010??
A new year and a new decade have silently crept up on me, as have about 20 too many pounds! Over the holidays, I have overindulged and have not been exercising. It shows. I even had to go and buy a size bigger pants yesterday just to have something to wear. THAT is discouraging.
My plan is to start fresh on Monday. The plan includes getting back on the South Beach diet and hitting the gym regularly again. 2010 is all about ME!!! I'd like to lose a pound per week - that would get me in bathing suit shape (somewhat) in time for summer.
What are your goals for 2010??
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