Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Having A Good Week!
-Have been drinking more water, but have needed to add those Ocean Spray flavors.....Cranberry Pomegranate. YUM! (Made with Splenda)
-Gym: Yoga Class Monday; Recumbent Cycle Wednesday; Will go to Yoga Class tomorrow, and do some form of cardio Friday. This is the most on-track I've been in six weeks!! YAY!
-With the exception of some brown rice, I've laid off of the carbs this week as well.
-Going to dinner with the gals from church tonight. Mexican. I Googled "Healthy Choices at Mexican Restaurants" and I'm all set to stay on track!!
How is YOUR week going?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Goals For The Week
-Pack lunch at least three days.
-Exercise at least three days.
-Stay away from the carbs.
-Keep smiling!!!!
What's your plan for the week??
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Back On The Wagon
I have gone each morning - swimming for 30 minutes. That is about all the ankle can take. But it sure feels good to be moving again:)
What about you? Are you moving?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Is This Thing On?
I'm going to get this ball rolling again. I need the support!
Well, I haven't been to the gym in a month. Cool Breeze was sick for about two weeks. Then, I had some minor surgery that kept me from being able to lift for two weeks. THEN, Snow White got sick with a nasty sinus infection. Everything went to hell in a handbasket at Casa de Envy!
I am not going to pretend that I am going to do anything about it over the weekend. That's just asking too much. I will, however, commit to getting back into the gym Monday. In addition, I will pack my lunch more than once next week, and I will stop taste-testing the chocolate! I really dread getting on those scales:/
How is everyone else doing?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Is this the beginning of my new commitment? Or a fluke?
Stay tuned!
Monday, September 28, 2009
I'm proud of all of you for sharing the good and the bad! Being accountable is half the battle as far as I'm concerned.
I haven't been on the scale in weeks. I haven't done any "formal" exercise although I have been gardening, painting, climbing on ladders, hammering and other general household chores for the past few weeks. Last Monday and Tuesday I rocked out with Pearl Jam, working up a really good sweat for 2+ hours each night. I also drank my share of beer and wine, thankfully not to excess!
My self talk has not been very nice. In fact I've been spending a lot of time telling myself how miserable I am, which is really not like me, hence the funk I'm in. I really need to snap out of it. Hopefully sharing with you will give me the boost I need to get over myself and just get moving!
Keep up all of your good work! I love reading what you've been up to.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A New Commitment
I had plenty of water. But I still could do better if I would lay off the coffee.
I only walked 3 times this week. But each day ~2 one mile walks. And also I took the steps all week at work. Gosh that is a work out in its self! Wonder how long it will take me to be able to walk them without my legs shaking when I reach the top??
Food intake has been OK. Not the best but not the worst. I think when schedules get hectic and crazy, food preparations take a back burner. I had more carbs than I should have. But I still had plenty of veggies. I should have had more fruit. I will work on that this week. No weight gain but no loss either.
Now to the belly fat. Yes I know you are just dying to know my plan to fix this problem. My walking routine is not doing much for this area of me. So I started last night. Sit ups. My only solution since I never got any other responses on how to rid myself of it. I am going to commit to getting rid of this muffin top, inter tube, jelly roll, whatever you want to call it. My goal is for it to be gone by spring. So there. Maybe one day I will be wearing a six pack instead of just drinking one!
I hope you've had a good week! <><
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Gender Differences
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Weekly Update Number 3
It seems as if all the new found energy went out the window and I am really frustrated. I know things like this take time and I must be patient, but I am not the most patient person in the world. Just being honest here.
So let's get on with this week's run down.
1. Exercise: Besides the monster walks I took on race day, which probably equal to a whole weeks full of exercise...I did a big, fat nothing. I was a couch potato. Me and my blankie got to know each other really well. I had been hoping to start the couch to 5k program this past week, but have decided to put that off until my lungs are clear...which they are not.
2. Healthy Eating: Not really super healthy, but not fact there hasn't been much eating going on at all because of all the meds I have been taking. I did have a couple of Sprites to bolster my sugar levels, but I am back to water and tea only.
3. Water: Some, but not as much as usual.
4. Self Talk and Stress: Really bad self talk because of the frustration factor and the stress was pretty high all week. It made me mad that after a perfect race experience, I was down flat on my ass with the flu.
So, while I sit here and whine about the fact that I didn't have a great week and feel at the optimum of physicality, I will relish in the fact that I did not gain any weight. I actually lost. Start Weight was 261.4 and today's weight is 254.4 for a total weight loss of 7.0 pounds gone forever. I also need to remind myself that this is still on the high side of typical and healthy results!! It has been proven time and time again that an average weight loss of 2 pounds per week is better for permanent weight loss success.
I hate it when my right brain argues with the left side.
Have a great week everyone and keep up the awesome work!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Feeling Fat Friday
I kept on track with my walking this week. Tuesday through Friday- 2 one mile walks each day.
Food and water- more carbs than normal and so so on the water. Need to fix both. Gosh I have been slack. Someone needs to slap me!
Got a great check up on the thyroid this week and I still weigh the same. Can I loose any more hair???
Got lots of bloating going on but I will see what tomorrow brings. It ain't good but it ain't as bad as it has been. Collard greens?
Hang in there gang! It's not always easy! We can do it!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
"I want you to eat regularly for two days, then skip a day, and repeat the procedure for two weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least five pounds."
When the blonde returned she'd lost nearly 20 pounds.
"Why, that's amazing! "Did you follow my instructions?"
The blonde nodded. "I'll tell you, though, I thought I was going to drop dead that third day."
"From hunger, you mean?" said the doctor.
"No... from skipping," replied the blonde.
(email from gailgurl)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Peer Pressure:)
The next thing you know, I'll be getting blood work and a mammogram;)
It COULD just be my imagination, but
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Friday Check In
Another decent Big Bunch of Losers week for the Noe Noe Girl. After what seems like forever trying to get back to a decent weight or size, I can tell my hard work is beginning to pay off.
Exercise- Tues thru Friday- Two 1 mile walks twice a day- got the mile walk down to 15 minutes! My walking partner doesn't sweat but I do. I don't hate her....MUCH! I owe her big time for keeping me on track with the walking.
Food- plenty of veggies, cheeses, eggs and watermelon. (plenty of peeing too!) I did blow it on Monday when I ate a bowl of spaghetti but I enjoyed every bite! It was a holiday!
Water- not as much as I should have. And I need to do better. I drank too many coffees but I was cold this week. The weather is getting chilly here. Not an excuse I know but it's all I got. I drank plenty of beer last Saturday but that was because I had to deal with the dysfunctional family pool party. Nuff said! The rest of the week I only had a few.
I have lost another pound which brings me to a 10 pound weight loss! My size tens are not as snug. I think the walking has played a big part in the way my clothes fits. People at work have noticed and made comments. That makes me keep "at it"! Plus I saw a picture of my thighs on Facebook this week from this summer and I wont even repeat the words that parted from these lips! I still have a ways to go but I'm gonna get there.
I'll share with you one of my favorite sayings....(it's OK if you make it one of yours.)
"You can slow me down....But you can't stop me!"
Friday, September 11, 2009
As a result of this epiphany, I have been focusing more on using fresh veggies, peanut butter, eggs and beans of all varieties in my cooking. For dinner the other night, I fixed a delicious brown and wild rice dish with diced tomatoes, black beans, feta cheese, lime juice and cilantro. It was AMAZING, AND healthy! Of course, CB and I had baked chicken with ours. We ALL had a fresh spinach salad:) YUM!
It's true that little changes add up to big results, and I think my whole family will benefit from this slight shift in eating. CB and I will continue to eat our beloved chicken and fish, but perhaps the veggies will begin to take up more space on our plates.
Need WW Snack Ideas
Any quick ideas for low point-worthy snacks? Keith goes away for Cub Scout camp this week-end, and I think if I can find some 1 and 2 points non-fridge snacks, it will be easier for him to not be so hungry. Snacks would also help him eat smaller portions at meals.
Finally, not getting on the scale again until we are a full week into this. I derive comfort from that big window!
Weekly Update Number 2
It feels so much longer, as if I have been living and eating like this forever. I look at this thought as a positive change because I really can not fathom going back to the way things use to remembering that today is 9/11 and how those events changed me forever, so has this event in my personal 9/11 and the towers of unhealthy living have come down forever.
1. Exercise: Still walking twice a day and lifting hand weights every other day. This is really paying off. I am up to 1/2 mile without stopping and moving at a good clip each time. I am noticing how much exercise is playing a role with moderating my moods. I am happier and more even keeled. I fidget more, as well. I am out there living life instead of letting life pass me by because of the inability to move.
2. Healthy Eating: This is a lot easier than I thought it would be. I have finally figured out my keys to success and they are following the rules of clean eating and planning. A typical day looks something like this:
Breakfast: I never skip breakfast. It is true that more success is found with a good and filling breakfast. It starts my day off on the right foot and gives me the fuel and courage I need to continue to make good choices. I usually eat 1 serving of plain, steel cut oatmeal with 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon and 1/2 cup of fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, or banana slices. Once or twice a week, I will make an egg beaters omelet or scramble with veggies and a probiotic yogurt.
Lunch: chance to have some healthy carbs!!! I either have 1 cup of whole wheat pasta or brown rice with chopped tomatoes, a splash of EVOO, and some basil. 2 cups of salad greens such as romaine, bibb, green leaf, and spinach. I make a big bag of salad and keep it in the crisper, so it's ready when I am. I also have 3oz of cooked turkey or chicken or 1/2 cup of kidney beans or black beans and serving of fresh fruit. That's a lot of food!!! It is my heaviest meal of the day, but still low in calories and fat.
Snack: If needed, I will have one serving of fresh fruit or a yogurt.
Supper: I keep this meal my lightest of the day. I have 1 serving of protein and 2 servings of vegetables.
3. Water: I am up to a gallon a day. I fit it in whenever I can...I am constantly drinking water and have now decided that the bathroom really needs to be remodeled....because I spend so much time IN there!! Flushing your system of toxins and eliminated fat is important even if you are retaining water. The easiest way to rid your body of excess fluids is to drink more!!
4. Self Talk and Stress: I still struggle with this, but I am finding out so much about myself. It really is more than a journey to healthy is a journey of self discovery. I am exploring why I had let myself become such a victim. What have I been hiding from? Why did I use the shield of fat to remove myself from a happy, fulfilled life. I am delving deeper into HOW and WHY I let myself get to where I was. Why was it okay for me to punish myself by eating poorly? I can stand up for the rights of others and be proactive, so why should I not be the same way with myself? Well, the victim doesn't live here anymore. Each day, I find that I am becoming authentic and more real. I am getting to know who this Marlene is and just what I am capable of.
And now...what we have been weighting for...261.4 (start weight) minus 255.2 (today's weight) equals....6.3 Pounds gone forever!!!
I am just really stoked! Yeah, it was hard work, but I did it and I am not starving. I am more energized than ever and doing things I never imagined.
We went out last night with the whole family last night and I put on a pair of dress pants I hadn't worn in a while...these were pants that had been tight...and now they are too big, so while the pounds are coming off, I also know that my body is changing as well!!
And the feet...not swollen...I have veins!!!
Keep up the hard work everyone and don't forget YOUR weekly update...good, bad, or ugly. It is all about change.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Are You Ready for the Real Lisa?
It's my fault.
There. I said it.
So it follows that the knee that keeps going out ala President Ford is my fault, the cholesterol numbers are my fault, the size I can't type here because my mother might read it is my fault, and you know what? I am finally willing to take ownership.
- I want to be healthy so I can walk with my precious daughter through the roller coaster years of high school and college.
- I want to be healthy so I can celebrate where my wonderfully sweet 12 year old son has been and where he's going.
- I want to be healthy so I have the strength to guide my brilliant 9 year old son through the intellectual questions that are sure to come.
- I want to be healthy so I am less focused on ME and more on my 7 year old son who is struggling with some big issues.
- I want to be healthy and I want Keith to be healthy so we won't be the older couple who lists our ailments whenever anyone is willing to listen.
I want to feel great physically and emotionally. No more comparing myself to the weight of other moms. No more skipping doctor appointments because he has a scale there. No more excuses. And I'm not even going to celebrate writing this post by eating ice cream :)I mean it this time.
Thanks for letting me be part of this group.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
How to Survive a Cook-out or Party

1 Carrot Cake Mix
1 15-oz can of pumpkin puree
1 cup water
1 cup of rolled oats
So, I didn't fall off the wagon, my party experience wasn't dampened by eating differently than everyone else, and the happiness I felt the next morning having accomplished another huge mountain in my quest to change my life was met. The definition of insanity is to keep living life the same way, but expecting different outcomes. I am ready to live my life a different way and that means changing everything in my life. FOREVER.
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Problem
For so long, I have beat myself up. Talked myself down. I have convinced myself that I am not worth the time or effort or expense.
I realized how deeply ingrained this is when I read a statement on the blog that Marlene introduced us to. I went back to see her from the beginning. And I read a statement about how she would not buy clothes when she was at her heaviest because a little voice would tell her that she wasn't worth the money.
I cannot tell you how many times I have been shopping and I either don't buy anything or I buy something that I really don't like but it is cheaper. I can hear that voice in my head saying "Why spend the money when it will look like crap anyway?" For many, many years, I didn't darken the door of a salon because I didn't feel worth the expense.
No wonder I felt like I looked like crap. Because I did! I didn't bother with doing my hair or putting on makeup or even painting my toenails. (And I dearly love my toenails painted!!) I didn't bother because I never felt worth the time or effort or expense.
I wasn't even worth the effort to eat right. We all know that eating right takes time and preparation. I didn't even feel like I was worth that.
Vol Fan and I have this little thing that we do. If I am in the kitchen and he walks by and grabs a handful of my fanny, I'll say "Watch it, mister. That's my ass!" Stupid, I know. But it's what we do;) Somewhere along the line, my reply has morphed into "That's my fat ass!"
When we are intimate, I freeze up if he touches my stomach. That same little voice in my head tells me how unattractive that stomach has to be to him.
I have got to stop this destructive voice from playing and replaying in my head.
So I am trying to retrain that little voice to encourage rather than discourage. I have gone back to "that's my ass" in my reply to Vol Fan. If I am having a good hair day, I tell myself just how good it looks.
If I'm not having a good day in the looks department, I find something else to focus on. Last week, Pita told me I was the best aunt ever, almost as good as Santa Claus. So I grabbed on to that for a few days.
I will retrain that voice because I am worth it. And so are you.
Festive Friday
I have had plenty of water with limited alcohol intake.
I have walked a mile twice a day four days and will do it again today.
I have had plenty of fruits and veggies. I had pizza once (three slices dammit). It sure was good too! That was my carb rush for the week OK? My fiber intake is keeping things moving.
My Dr's appointment went well yesterday. I had a good report. My iron count was a little low(from the meds) but the multi-vitamins should care for that. I have been less tired this week and I feel pretty darn good right now. My thyroid treatments will end on November 5th! I see light at the end of this tunnel!
So I weighed in this morning with 2 more pounds lost~ a total of 9 pounds so far! I'm feeling a little festive!
Weekly Update Number 1

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Intial Thoughts On Eating Well
Day Three has been a whole lot easier to make adjustments. I am not feeling deprived at all. I am eating more food than ever because of "what" I am eating. I eat on a schedule and have stopped eating after 7pm...that is the deadline for me.
I am eating breakfast and finding that it makes ALL the difference in the world. I am enjoying that special time with myself.

Here was my breakfast for Sunday. An egg beaters "southwestern" scramble with some added cherry tomatoes, and one slice of fat free cheese, 4 chunks of pineapple, and a container of Activia yogurt. Instead of salt...I am using several Mrs. Dash shakers.
Planning is really important for me. I am not making obsessive lists, but having the right food in the house allows me to make proper choices. I even pack small, healthy snacks to take with me when we go some where. I would hate to be in a position where my sugar level begins to drop and I can not get something healthy.
Water, water, and more water. I haven't had a sugar filled/sodium laden soda in 4 days. I will not be drinking diet soda either.
The sugar withdrawal is now over and I am finding my energy is going through the roof.
The headaches have stopped.
My feet are not as swollen as they were...probably 70% resolved. This makes me happier than anything and reaffirms that I am making the best decision of my life...for my life.
Day Three Weight Loss= 260.0 (1.4 pounds lost) and feeling better than I thought I would.
Lunch...6in. Subway Jared Turkey Sandwich on 9 grain whole wheat...loaded with veggies and honey mustard salt and cheese. No soda.
Dinner Plans...Grilled Boneless Chicken Breast, Steamed Broccoli with lemon, and whole wheat pasta salad with red onions, wilted spinach, EVOO, balsamic vinegar, spices, and green peppers.
I am also using our salad plates as my dinner plate as you can see from the size of the fork. It is fooling to the eye and I am not feeling all.
Thanks to everyone for encouraging me and giving advice. It really is so wonderful to have this sacred place to come and release all the fear I have inside. ALSO: I want you to call me out and harass me when you feel I might be slipping or that I need a boot in the butt.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Just an FYI on a blog I found
She is a recovering carbaholic and there is a wonderful list of other blogs (some of which would be really helpful to us all) on her left side bar.
Check it out.
Funky Friday
I have been eating so so. Not all that healthy but at least not a lot. Neither is good. I just feel nauseous. Maybe the meds?
My water intake is normal but I need to really drink more of it.
Because I have been so tired, I have not walked at all this week. I have been in the garden. Better that nothing I guess.
I have lost one pound. More hair loss? I should be happy but I am not. I would rather feel good.
Wish me luck as I get over another hump. And I will! Pinky Promise! <><
Stop the Ignorance!
I really do want to live...I want to be happy and I need to be healthy. How can I tell my daughter to keep on going and that life is worth living, if I am silently killing myself instead. Sounds like a hypocrite to me and I am not fond of being hypocritical. How can I help others, if I fail to help myself?
I guess that is why I haven't posted in a while...because if I ignored it, then it wasn't really there...right?
Ignorance is bliss. But I want more than ignorance. I choose life.
I know "what" I need to do...I know "how" to do it. After spending the day staring at my toes that were starting to turn blue because my feet were swelling so much, I made the decision to "get real" with myself and stopping hiding behind my friend called ignorance.
The truth sucks...but it can also be a freeing experience and I feel that it will be the same for me. I am putting these demons to rest not only for myself, but for my daughters. The skeletons are coming out of the closet and no longer will I be held to their agenda. they will adhere to mine.
I will stop smoking too, but it will not be right now...I can only handle but so many changes at once. But that day is quickly approaching.
I am contracting with this blog to only eat healthy foods...whole, simplistic foods with high nutritional value.
I will not eat processed crap loaded with sugar, fat, and salt.
I will not drink soda. I will chose water and on occasion, a glass of wine.
I will not succumb to the eating habits of others. If I can not eat somewhere that I can make proper choices...then we will not eat there.
I will not say..."just one will not hurt."
I will walk for at least 10 minutes everyday for the next week.
I will feed my soul as well, with uplifting and happy things. I will do this daily.
I will take my Flax Seed Oil and Fish Oil Supplements twice daily, as well as a woman's daily vitamin.
I will use this forum for all that it's worth and I will lean on my Blog Sister's as I fight this war.
I will be brutally honest and by doing so I will admit my weight as of this morning...
My weight today is 261.4 (I have a nice digital scale that I will not become obsessed with). I am 5'4.
I am morbidly obese and this will be the LAST time I will ever have to say this.
Today is my new beginning.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I didn't do very good at accomplishing any of my goals last week. I only worked out twice and I ate and ate and ate some more. Fortunately I was only up one pound and I was happy with that!
I still have recipes I want to share, I will try my best to get those posted.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Just Shoot Me!!
Then, the weekend came around...
Cool Breeze took me out to lunch Friday. I ate a delicious tex-mex chopped salad. Yummy AND healthy. For a variety of reasons, we did not grill the beautiful london broil that I had marinated for dinner Friday night. Instead, we had Snow White bring home a pizza when she left work. I ate three slices.
Saturday brought the Blog Sister meet-up at an amazing Italian restaurant. They serve everything family style. On HUGE platters. You have to order two of everything for the table to share: salads, appetizers, pastas, entrees AND desserts. Let's just say that I ate enough for five. I wanted to get my money's worth, right?? Let's not even discuss the four bottles of wine....
Needless to say, I did not even bother to get on the scales this morning. I DID go to my yoga class, but will need to add more classes this week to compensate for the dreadful weekend!!!
Goals for the week: Minimum of four classes, extra water, just say "no" to carbs!!! I'm going for the green...
BOOYAH!! Look out fat. You're going DOWN!
Lessons from Fitness Magazine
One of the magazines that I subscribe to is Fitness. The intention was to help keep me motivated. The problem? In order to stay motivated, apparently you have to be motivated to start with;)
Anyway back to the story - Yesterday was such a glorious morning. Cool. Sunny. So I decided to sit on the patio and catch up on some reading. I picked up Fitness April 2009 issue.
My plan was to get all kinds of useful tips on weight loss and exercise to share with you guys.
So here is what I got:
- Eat less
- Exercise more
Ok, so maybe I got a little more than that. But I didn't write the post yesterday and now I can't remember. And I already 'shared' the magazine with my neighbor so I can't thumb through it to refresh my memory.
Have I inspired you? Are you looking forward to next month's issue?
Friday, August 21, 2009
So the diet train completely derailed. I'm talking Pizza Hut lunch buffet, chocolate chess pie, an extra scoop of Nestle Quik in my chocolate milk, and to top it off - a Sonic Blast, with extra M&Ms!
But the good news - I did not purchase the container of Nutella and scarf it down like there was no tomorrow. Even though I really, really wanted to.
I did not purchase the dozen cupcakes and scarf them down like there was no tomorrow. Even though I really, really wanted to.
Now for the real good news, once Aunt Flo made her appearance, the hormones shifted and I am back on track.
I have sucked down water like a parched camel.
I have exercised for 3 hours this week and plan on doing a long bike ride tomorrow.
I have made better food choices.
And I only gained 1 pound during the derailment.
Friday Fat Fairy
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Feelin' GOOD!
Exercise = 3 hours
M,W,F - Yoga
I didn't go to as many classes this past week, but I worked harder in the classes I DID attend. I'm pushing myself to try the more challenging moves, and to not settle for the easier options. I also splashed around in the pool one evening, and tried to stay busier around the house....instead of sitting on my posterior!!
Water and food intake were about the same. I went out to eat one night, and put half of my meal in a to-go box before I started eating. I tend to pick at my food even after I'm finished, so I figured...out of sight, out of mind...and belly!!
My goals for the coming week are to attend at least three exercise classes (and to find a way to work a pilates class into the mix), to eat more fresh veggies, and to not drink as much wine. We will continue to work on getting the garage enclosure straight, so I'm also hoping to spend less time on the sofa watching the boob-tube!
One of my friends said something this week that I thought was hilarious. It will be my mantra for a while....."If you can't TONE it, TAN it"!!!! Words to live by!!
Heading out to the pool now....;)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I accomplished each of my goals except staying wheat free and my stomach paid a little. Gah, it's just so hard!
I'm going to stick with the same exercise goal this week. It was hard enough that I had to work at it, but not too hard that I couldn't do it! Again I'd like to go wheat free this week, we'll see how that goes. I have a couple soup recipes I'd like to share too. Same goals this week as last week.
I weighed in the same this week as last week. I can live with that!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Friday Fat Fandango

This week.
Exercise ~ walked 20 minutes twice a day.
Also climbed 2 flights of stairs twice a day!
Eating- I have done well this week! No meat.
(only because I have been too lazy to cook it.)
My family is almost ready to disown me!
Veggies, Fruits and Cheese!
Lots of water for me this week. I have cut down
on my beer intake. I started on multi vitamins
just in case I am not getting all the nutrients I
need from my beer and lime. I also have been
adding lots of fiber to my diet.
Keeping things moving along helps with weight
loss and also makes me feel better.
My doctor adjusted my thyroid medicine a few
weeks back and I seem to feel better and
I feel like some of my energy is back.
Now if I could just get some of my hair back!
All in due time I guess!
I have had a few carbs but sparingly. Only one small
bag of Doritos and a few Ritz crackers. I love
the garden vegetable flavor! I even broke them
in half as I was eating them to make it seem
like I had more.
I weighed in this morning with 2 pounds
more pounds gone! I put on a size 10
Capri without having to lay down! Never
thought I would see the day! So that
is a total of 7 pounds lost!
I still have this gut that keeps following
me around. I guess I am going to have
to break down and do some type of sit up
to deal with that thing.
But right now I just feel like dancing!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Corn Flake Chicken
Is everyone having a good week? I seem to be on track with the exercise, which I'm please about, but the food and especially the wine intake seem to be a little on the "I really don't need any more of this, but I'm going to anyway" side of things! It's only Thursday, maybe I can have some control over the next couple of days!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
One Pot Black Bean and Turkey Chili
This is a recipe I made up and I make it all in one large pot, like a pot you'd make soup in. Who wants to wash more than one pan?! Using the lean ground turkey or chopped chicken breasts leaves no need to drain, which I really like!
1 to 1 1/2 lbs lean ground turkey
1 pkg. chili seasoning + 1/2 pack hot chili seasoning
2 regular size (or one large) can crushed tomatoes
1 regular size can tomato sauce
1 can black beans
diced onion (to your taste)
you might need a little water depending on how thick or thin you like your chili
Spray Pam into a large pan and/or use a small amount of EVOO. Saute onions a few minutes, add ground turkey. When it's about halfway cooked stir in 1/4-1/2 the chili seasoning pack (you might want to add a little water at this point). Meanwhile drain and rinse the black beans. When the turkey is fully cooked add the tomatoes, tomato sauce, black beans and the rest of the chili seasoning packs. Stir. Heat to simmering. Serve when ready!
You could substitute cooked chopped chicken instead of the ground turkey. You can add more beans if you'd like. You can also add all different kinds of chopped veggies to this. I've used carrots and spinach. I almost always add sliced black olives and corn to my bowl. If we have avocado I'll chop some of that and put on top. You could add fat free sour cream and/or fat free cheese.
It's one pot chili have fun with it! If you make this let us know how you liked it and what, if anything you did differently.
This Just In.....
Three separate body searches failed to locate 9mm pistol, officials say
Houston Police Department / AP
George Vera, 25, is charged with possession of a firearm in a correctional facility.
An obese inmate in Texas has been charged after officials learned he had a gun hidden in his rolls of fat.
George Vera, 25, was charged with possession of a firearm in a correctional facility after he told a guard at the Harris County Jail about the unloaded 9mm pistol.
The Houston Chronicle reported Thursday that Vera was originally arrested on charges of selling illegal copies of compact discs.
The 500-pound man was searched during his arrest and again at a city jail and the county jail, but officers never found the weapon.
Vera admitted having the gun during a shower break at the county jail.

I just knew that fat roll would come in handy for something;)
BHE's Week #1
M,W, F - Yoga Class
T, Th - Pilates Class
Eating = Smaller portions. Fewer carbs. More veggies.
Water = The more I exercise, the more water I drink. YAY!
Attitude = Still frustrated that the actual pounds are not coming off, but happy to notice the beginnings of some muscle tone!
Goals for Next Week = Keep it up! Slow and steady wins the race, right?
Checking In
I didn't set any goals for last week except cutting the wheat out of my diet, yet again. I did a pretty good job of it. For carbs I stuck with potatoes, mostly sweet potatoes which are a favorite of mine and rice. I also had corn tortillas a couple times.
I made a big pot black bean and turkey chili, which I'll post the recipe to later today or tomorrow, it's very low cal, low fat and yummy!
I didn't do any exercise last week. My tooth is healing nicely, but I came down with a bad cold that I'm fighting. My exercise goal for this week is to get back to it. I would like to walk 3 days and go to Curves 3 days! I also plan to keep the wheat out of my diet this week.
As far as this blog goes I'd like to post a couple recipes this week, or maybe just show what a typical non-wheat eating day looks for me, or both!
Man I ramble don't I?!
Oh and the really good news this week is this morning when I was putting on my jeans I noticed they felt loose. I haven't been on the scale in a few weeks, but when I got on I was down 7 lbs from last time! I'm pretty happy with that. That's a total of 12 lbs since sometime in May! I can live with that.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Accountability of a Loser
Exercise~not as much walking as I normally do. But if gardening and cleaning count for anything I am still on track! Not to mention all the sweating I have done!
I have a tooth issue going on- so hence a root canal is on my calendar.
Because of the tooth issue~ I have not felt like eating. A good thing.
But what I have had this week has been lots of veggies. Fresh from our garden. Peppers,squash, tomatoes and tomatoes and tomatoes! Lots of local cantaloupes and nectarines. Butter beans and string beans too.
I have been able to cut back on my carbs. I only had bread (for a tomato sandwich) twice this week. I am not a big meat eater so I have not had any meat this week except if you call fish meat. I had that once. Here comes the killer- it was fried catfish ~a favorite of mine. Maybe I should add a carb or twenty???
But with all the sweating and antibiotics this week, I have been able to get plenty of water drinking in! Another good thing! I have been slack on my beer intake. (that's the good fattening stuff! but not so much if you add lime-right?) Yeah I know- NOT!
I weighed in this morning with another two pounds gone! I double checked due to my recent eye exam and my new bi-focals have not come in yet! It is true!
So a total of 5 pounds of something lost in the last 60 days. Still not sure how much of this is hair loss but none the less ~ I feel some what skinny today!
I'll leave you with these words ~
The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal.
The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.
Benjamin Mays
Accountability Friday
Well, let's see if I have met my objectives.
Exercise - My aim was 4 day of 45 minutes each. I did not reach my day goal but I did reach my time goal. I rode my bicycle for 150 minutes and did Wii Fit for 30 minutes. While good, I'm not sure that counts as far as meeting my goal.
Food Choices - I did pretty good this week. Grilled meats, salads, and smoothies for an afternoon snack. I did break down and make my Mom's recipe for Chicken and Wine Sauce which is pretty calorie laden. But I made a few changes - EVOO instead of butter, Healthy Request cream of chicken instead of regular - so while probably not good, it was better.
Water - Ummm, not so much. I probably drank half of my goal. Need to work on that next week.
But I did one thing without even really realizing that I was doing it. Vol Fan has been working really, really late so supper has been really, really late. Initially, I thought it was going to be a bad thing but eating later has kept me from craving that late night snack!!
So all in all, a pretty good week.
And I'm down 7.2 pounds since July 1. Yippee!!
PS - I just got back from the doctor's office. Good news on my blood work. I now officially do not have high cholesterol - I am under 200, barely but under. My HDL (the good cholesterol) is up. My LDL (the bad cholesterol) is down by almost 40 points! Hooray!! Now for those damn triglycerides.....
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Hello, I'm Noe Noe Girl and
But I am getting better and I will not be out done by any of this!
Even though this weight gain is depressing for me at times...I know for a fact that it is not what happens to is how you deal with it. And I will deal with this. Sometimes encouragement that you are not alone helps.
I am 52 years old. I will never be 110 pounds again. I just want to be healthy and feel good. Like I did 2 years ago. I have a few more months of treatment left and the Dr says my energy level and hair should return.
So with all that said and whining behind goal is to reduce ~ not quit my carb intake. (that could be the last straw for me right now!) I will drink more water. And continue my twice a day walk at work. My last visit to the Dr (2 weeks ago) I had lost 3 pounds! I have to wonder if all that was the hair I have lost! At this rate I may reach my goal by 2050! Wish me luck and thanks for any support!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Motivational Thought for the Day
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let's go get 'em ladies!!!!
Hello, my name is Living on the Spit
Just for TODAY...I am stopping the soda once again...evil, it is. I am drinking water, water, water, and more water.
I will only have one glass of wine a day...unless it happens to be a Bloggers Weekend, then I will limit it to one bottle.
I started taking 1000 mg of fish oil and flax seed oil once a day. I will continue to do that daily.
I will eat more veggies and less crap...I will steam these veggies or broil them in EVOO and not smother them in butter.
I will begin walking every day for 15 minutes whether it is hot and humid or not.
I need to do this now or I will die.
Hi I'm imom and I'm fat!
I have food issues. I have intolerance's to milk, including cheese, and wheat. During a good week I eat no milk or wheat products. During a bad week I eat only a little because I truly feel like crap when I over eat those food items.
While I do eat too much food, my main issue is that I HATE to exercise! I also love my red wine! And beer during the summer and at the Pub! A few weeks ago I started an exercise program and decided to start an exercise/diet blog to track my progress, then I got a toothache... A really bad toothache, and the exercise and the blog was put on the back burner. Two weeks ago I had oral surgery to have the tooth removed, the pain finally started subsiding on Sunday!
My exercise program involved "two a days" meaning I was walking 1.5 miles in one session and going to Curves for the other session. I will be getting back to that I soon as I can bend over without my incision area throbbing, which I hope will be very soon.
I'm hopeful that sharing with all of you will help keep me on track. I'm also excited to share all kinds of low cal recipes with you. I have a lot of them. Between my stints with Weight Watchers and my husband finding out how to manage his IBS I have many low fat, but delicious recipes!
Thanks for starting this blog Woody!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hello, I'm Big Hair Envy, And...
It's hard to admit, but once I turned 40 my body went to hell in a handbasket. My knees dropped, and my butt moved south to "back up" my knees! Did I mention the gut that appeared out of nowhere??? Well, I am going to fight it with everything I have!!!
The exercise classes will be easy to keep up, but I have a problem with food. And wine....I think I could give up food if I could keep the wine!!!
My goals are to continue to exercise regularly, to drink more water, and to cut back on the carbs. Any tips???
Hello, My Name Is...
First, I am a carboholic.
I love carbs in any form or fashion. I could eat them for every meal of every day for the rest of my life. Pasta, potatoes, bread, cakes, candy....Love them all. Sugar in any form or fashion.
It is an addiction. I have tried to kick it before and it caused terrible (and I mean TERRIBLE) symptoms of withdrawal. And I am weak. I don't deal with pain in good ways. So I have always gone back to my love.
Second, I am lazy.
I do not like to exercise. I would much rather sleep in. Or park my ass on the couch.
I need help. I need someone to hold me accountable, to push me along the way toward health.
So here is my plan:
- I will exercise 4 days per week for at least 45 minutes each session. It might be something formal like a class but it could just as easily be hula-hooping in my backyard. Yes, yes I know I need to be on my bike. I know I have a race coming up. So yes, biking is on the exercise agenda!
- I will make smarter decisions about my food. Grilled rather than fried. Small steps where I can.
- I will drink 32 ounces of water each day.
How have I started off on my first day of this plan?
- Exercise? Not so much. But there is still daylight left.
- Food decisions? Good. Dinner will be pizza but not the gooey-cheesy kind. It will be pesto, fresh spinach, cherry tomatoes, and grilled chicken.
- Water? Um, again not so much.
But tomorrow is another day, right?
What is your weight loss plan?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I thought I would put a space in the sidebar for each of us. In that space, you can lay out your daily goals and tell us whether you met them or not. That way if you are struggling, we will be able to see and hopefully provide some encouragement and motivation.
For me, putting it out there for all to see makes me want to do better. It's the people pleaser in me, I guess.
Or we could do a google spreadsheet (maybe something like this) that we all have access to. Heck, I don't know.
If I knew anything about html, I could probably rig up something cool like individual tabs or something. But I don't. If anyone does, have at it!!
Who Is In?
Any one in?